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SV Argonauta
MAYDAY - Apr 13, 2007
On Friday, April 13 2007 at 4:45 PM EST (0045z 2007/04/14), a MAYDAY call was made to the net frequency. The S/V ARGONAUTA
was in distress, actively being stalked by power vessel with 4 males on board. The ARGONAUTA had made 4 course corrections,
with the power vessel performing identical course changes shadowing the ARGONAUTA, and was now beginning to rapidly close
the distance. The ARGONAUTA was declaring a probable sea piracy situation in-process.
The S/V ARGONAUTA is a 43' C&C sailboat, white with blue trim, with two females on board.
They reported their position as 18º 52.51'N x 67º 52.51'W (in the Mona Straits, Puerto Rico), steering a course of 111ºT
at 4.7 knots.
The pertinent information was obtained by the net and relayed to the USCG San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The USCG scrambled a vessel and helicopter to the vessel in distress. Due to propagation, USCG San Juan was unable to communicate
to S/V ARGONAUTA on 14.300. The MMSN acted as a relay station in support of the information exchange between USCG and S/V
After arriving on-site, the USCG determined the vessel shadowing the S/V ARGONAUTA was a migrant vessel, and the vessel was
detained. The S/V ARGONAUTA continued on their voyage without further incident.
Involved controllers were AG4SI, K5MP and K5SIV