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SV Nereida
MAYDAY - Jun 1, 2011
Bad news just in regardiing Jeanne Socrates onboard Nereida but she is OK.
From Bill KI4MMZ
KC2IOV Nereida Capt Jeanne
Knocked down (Turtle upside down)
Damage so far. 2249utc
55-59.68S 071-45.04W
drifting S @ 2K hove to.
boom broken,
Hard dodger smashed.(gone)
rope round prop.
Chaotic below decks.
Good news. Not injured
has stay sail, + headsail.
engine working.
Hopes weather will moderate in am and that rope cutter on prop works so she can motor round cape Horn and into nearest port
for repairs. Will call on 14.300usdb if further please monitor, was only contact she cd make.
Have passed updated position and info to RCC Chile and USCG Evangalistas. Abodehornos Light houses and RCC Punta Arenas are
trying to make contact direct on radio.
I have traffic from RCC Chile and USCG for her. will need assistance at net time 0300UTC though we had fair copy last night
and this afternoon.
End of message
I will keep all posted as I get information.
0730 GMT (June 1, 2011) UPDATE:
I am currently in direct contact with Bill - KI4MMZ in Florida regarding the knockdown.
There is a fishing vessel standing off that answered the Mayday message from Nereida and is currently 12nm from Jeanne and
standing by.
Companionway hatch smashed away and water below decks. Jeanne is hoping for daylight to see extent of the damage. Her furling
line is wrapped around the prop and does not want to try to start engine or attempt to clear until she can assess the problem
in the morning. I believe it is GMT +5 local time in the southern pacific (0230 local).
Currently she is laying, barepoles and broadside to a bad sea and has deployed her drouge, she is really worried about another
knockdown with no watertight integrity down the companionway.
Bill in Florida is constantly listening on .300
Will update as soon as I hear any further news.
UPDATE 0817Z (June 1, 2011):
Jeanne has suffered a further knowdown in 70kn winds and 6 metre seas and is calling for assistance. The fishing vessel is
now 10nm away.
Falmouth fully aware and dealing as is MRCC Chile and MRCC Alameda (USA).
1245Z UPDATE (June 1, 2011):
Nereida is currently under tow (90nm) in 6-metre swell and breaking waves by the fishing vessel "Magellanus 3". She hopefully
will be towed to Cook Bay Chile where the tow will be handed over to the Chilean Navy who will take her on to Porto William
Argentina (54° 56.052'S 67° 36.518'W).
2359Z UPDATE (July 1, 2011):
As at 2236Z, Jeanne is now at 56° 24'S 069° 40'W. Speed 5 knots under her own power Heading 070T. Wind speed 12 knots from
the WNW. Swell 3 meters from the NW. Cloud cover 100%. Barometer 1014mB. Some more minor problems to solve, but rope fouling
prop cleared and making for Ushaia.
ETA land fall tomorrow daylight.
The crew from the FV "Magellanus 3" helped to clear the prop of the fouled ropework.
Jeanne is loooking forward to a warm shower/bath on arrival in port as she is very cold and wet through.
Further news update as and when I get it. :)
UPDATE TODAY (Aug 1, 2011) at 2250Z
Jeanne Socrates is doing well in the circumstances and under engine power heading north to Porto William Argentina. She is
currently experiencing fair weather. She has rounded the Horn and is making good progress!
Her last fix was given at 2250Z and located at 55° 49.0'S 066° 17.0'W.
This is 35nm ENE of Cape Horn and she has a further 90nm to run using engine and what ever sails she has available.