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SV Pelago
Vessel Taking on Water - Apr 3, 2001
On April 3, 2001, at approximately 16:00z, SV Pelago, Rick (WB6LNH) reported to the net that the vessel was taking-on water
through the rudder stuffing box. He advised that he and his XYL Tammy (KG4APR) had the situation under control but wanted
to maintain and hourly communication schedule (comm sked) with the net, in the event that the situation changed.
The Pelago reported their position as 25-23.3N x 077-58.7W. Rick intended to head for Ft. Lauderdale, FL and estimated a
21 - 24 hour run. Although he was not declaring an emergency, he wished the USCG to be advised of the situation and to be
updated. An alternate frequency of 7.268 was to be used when propagation on 20 meters faded.
Through the entire net time, Rick and Tammy maintained a comm sked with the MMSN, updating the net on their progress and
conditon. We are happy to report that they did make it to port without further incident.
The original controller was Terry KA9ALE. A big thanks to all the other controllers who assisted throughout the day.