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Press Release
“Where Emergency Communications is a Commitment”
May 13, 2016
On 5/5/16 at approximately 1557 hours UTC, a Mayday call was heard on 14.300 Mhz by Russell Taylor, AI6GV of San
Marcos, California who is a member of the Maritime Mobile Service Network.
Amateur Radio Operator KL3RK reported that he was on the sailing vessel “Morning Dove” and had been stuck on a reef for
two days and unable to move. They were approximately 200 miles North East of French Polynesia. A Mayday call was sent as
the vessel status had changed when they started to take on water.
AI6GV notified the Coast Guard of the situation and the position of the vessel. Once the position was acknowledged by the
Coast Guard they dispatched a helicopter to the area where the four men on board where airlifted to safety. Unfortunately the
vessel was a complete loss.
The Coast Guard called AI6GV back after the rescue was concluded and advised them that if he had not heard the Mayday
call that there probably would have been devastating consequences for the people on board that vessel.
AI6GV was assisted in the event by long time net member William Sturridge, KI4MMZ in Florida and his friend Peter,
ZL1PWM in New Zealand who provided needed relay information to him. This truly made this an international event.
The Maritime Mobile Service Network monitors 14.300 MHz with operators on scheduled shifts from 1700 to 0300 UTC.
This incident occurred occurred well after scheduled net operations when the propagation on 20 meters usually is minimal at
Russ as well as other members of the network will often keep their radios on after the net's scheduled net operations just in
case such an event like this takes place.
For the people on this vessel, it was a lucky day for them to have such a capable operator as Russ, AI6GV.
When asked about the event, AI6GV said that he was just thankful that he heard the call and that it was a great honor to
participate in this “international rescue effort” working with hams thousands of miles apart. He also stated that “this is how
this network is meant to work”
Congratulations to Russ, AI6GV and the entire team on a job well done!
Authority: Rene Stiegler, K4EDX
Net Manager
Maritime Mobile Service Network
For Immediate Release, 5/13/16
Prepared by Jeff Savasta, KB4JKL, Assistant Net Manager