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SV Silent Passage
Medical Emergency - Jan 30, 2008
On Wednesday January 30, 2008, at approximately 09:00 EST, SV Silent Passage came to 14.300 MHz and declared an emergency.
At this time the vessel was in the Eastern Caribbean, at approximately 14º N x 062º W. There were also 2 persons-on-board.
The radio op was Bev.
The nature of the emergency was that the Capt, and Bev's husband, had experienced a mild stroke, called a TIA. The Capt.
had a history of these and Bev had already given him some medication for this condition. However, he was incapacitated and
in need of medical treatment. Bev was not an experienced sailor and also reported that the engines on the vessel did not
Members of the MMSN and Intercon Net called the USCG and began to arrange for a medical evacuation. The net members stayed
with Bev and rendered whatever assistance they could give her by radio and assured her that help was on the way. They also
passed along updated position reports and medical condition reports to the USCG.
Members of the MMSN also instructed Bev what to do (and what not to do) when the rescue helicopter came overhead. She was
also instructed how to stop the boat in the water.
As a result of the nets efforts, shortly after 16:00 EST, the rescue helicopter arrived at the vessels position and evacuated
the the patient to Guadeloupe. Further, 2 French Navy officers boarded the vessel and sailed the boat to Guadeloupe for Bev,
who by now was exhausted.
The Capt. was treated for his condition in a hospital in Guadeloupe and Bev joined him shortly after landfall. The Capt is
doing well and has recovered from his experience.