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- Altimeter Setting
- The value of atmospheric pressure to which the scale of a pressure altimeter is set. In the United States the setting
represents the pressure required to make the altimeter indicate the elevation of the airfield. This helps a pilot
to know during his/her flight how high the plane is above the ground, by reading the altitude from the altimeter and
subtracting the terrain elevation from the altimeter reading.
- Density Altitude
- The pressure altitude corrected for temperature changes from the standard atmosphere. This is used by pilots to
help them judge how much runway it will take to land or take off on.
- Heat Index
- A combination of the temperature and the relative humidity to give a temperature of what it feels like to the human
body on a hot muggy day.
- Pressure Altitude
- The altitude which corresponds to a given value of atmospheric pressure according to the standard atmosphere. It is
the indicated altitude of a pressure altimeter set at 1013.2 millibars; therefore, it is the indicated altitude above
1013.2 millibars. Once again this is used by pilots to determine how high above the ground they are.
- Pressure Unit Calculator
- This tool will convert pressure from one unit of measure to another.
- Relative Humidity
- The ratio of the actual vapor pressure of the air to the saturation vapor pressure of the air. In other words,
how much water vapor is in the air divided by how much water vapor the air could possibly hold.
- Station Pressure
- The atmospheric pressure computed for the level of the station elevation. It is usually used as the base value for
calculating sea level pressure and the altimeter setting.
- Temperature Unit Conversion
- This tool will convert temperature from one unit of measure to another.
- Vapor Pressure
- The pressure exerted by the molecules of a given vapor. In meteorology it is almost exclusively used to show the partial
pressure exerted by the water vapor in the air.
- Wind Chill
- The cooling effect of any combination of temperature and wind. In the U.S. this is translated into a temperature
that a person might feel when he or she went outside.